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Jamesanind, 19.01.2025
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Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Khrz Improved AI Means LG s New Robovac Goes Around Furniture, But Tells Humans to Move
The appeal is clear: Being able to load up Android apps and games while leaving your phone in your pocket. Your PC gives you more screen space and all the convenience of keyboard and mouse inputs, so there are plenty of reasons why you would want t stanley trinkflaschen o get your most-used apps up on a desktop interface. To get started, you need to install the Amazon Appstore from inside the Microsoft Store. Open the Microsoft Store from the Start menu, then search for Amazon Appstore : Select the Appstore when you find it, then click Get to put it on your system鈥攜oull need to go through a few confirmation screens and wait several minutes while the necessary virtualization technologies are set up. Youll need to install some virtualization software first. Screenshot: Windows If youre interested in whats happening behind the scenes here, the Amazon Appstore for Windows 11 runs on a platform called the Windows Subsystem for Android WSA 鈥攖hat platform combines a Linux kernel with version 11 of the Android Open Source Project AOSP , without any of the trimmings that Google of vaso stanley fers for its Pixel devices. You can then launch Amazons portal of Android apps from the Start menu, a portal which will be familiar to anyone with experience on an Amazon Fire tablet. Youre also going to need to log in with an Amazon account, so if you dont have one or dont want to use your existing one , youll need to sign up inside th stanley termohrnek e Appstore. A limited number of settings are available. Screenshot: Windows The Amazon Ap Rznv Beached Whale Situation Gets Worse With Hundreds More Stranded Ashore
This comes from the Juliet Zulu creative agency, which sent a team out last year to film an ad campaign for a sportswear company. After the project was wrapped, they found that they had hours of footage from across the world that hadnt been used. So they did what any of us would do: ran all that video through a filter app. And Prisma is the trendiest one right now, so why not To the team behind t stanley cup he video, its less of an arbitrary rendering and an almost allegorical experience of what it was like traveling around the world. On the Vimeo page, they wrote: This project is an exploration of those bits and pieces we collected over the 9 months that we floated somewhere between dreaming and waking life, small vignettes that, through the implementation of this powerful app, seem to mimic the subje stanley thermos ctive experience of the jet lagged ponies that captured it. If anything, the video just makes us want to use Prisma even more. At its core, its another image filter app, but we want to look at t stanley fr he world like its in a kaleidoscope. Daily Newsletter Latest news
ScottTEM, 19.01.2025
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Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Jjzb Finally, We re Getting Some Answers On Killjoys 8211; And Some More Questions
The year was 1958. The film was White Wilderness, a nature documentary highlighting life in the subarctic North directed by James Alga. Except there was very little actual documenting going on. The famous scene that first promoted the misconception that lemmings A regularly migrate and B commit mass suicide was in fact entirely staged. First off, the film was made in Alberta, Canada. Lemmings aren canada stanley 8217;t native stanley cup website to that region so the production crew instead imported a few dozen of the animals for the shoot. Second, the species of lemming that they lined up does not migrate. Some species of lemmings do migrate, sure, when their cyclical population growth presses some individuals to move to less crowded areas. But you ;ll never stanley cupe see a herd of migrating lemmings like you do in the film no matter how adorable that would be . As such, the crew actually had to employ a snow-covered turntable to make it appear that they were migrating when they were really just running in circles. After the crew had a sufficient number of these migratory shots, the animals were herded over to the bank of a nearby river and unceremoniously chucked into the water, where they drowned. Thus the myth of suicidal lemmings was born. Cruel Definitely. But this was 1950s Hollywood, where animal cruelty was tragically common. Studios had, for example, killed over 100 horses for a single scene in Ben Hur and stabbed a lion to death for Tarzan, so killing off a few dozen rodents for the am Seun How Quickly Can You Cross This Bridge
An instructor administering an exam to his students asks them to measure t stanley cup he height of a building using a barometer. A students turns in a paper which says, Tie a string to the barometer, lower it down the side of the building, and measure the string. The instructor is furious and fails the student. The student appeals the decision, stating that he g stanley cup kaufen ave a correct answer. The committee decides that, yes, the answer was correct, but the student did not show any understanding of physics so it is inadmissible. They will give the student one more chance to answer, but he will have to demonstrate stanley cup quencher a knowledge of physics to pass. The student sits there thinking. When the examiners ask him if he gives up, he says that there are so many answers that, by golly, he just can ;t pick one. They tell him that they ;ll fail him unless he says something. He says this: You can measure the shadow and the length of the barometer, and then measure the shadow of the building, and use the ratio of shadow-to-length to figure out the height of the building. You can just drop the barometer over the side of the building and figure out the height by the time it takes to hit the ground. You can make a pendulum from the barometer and measure the gravitational force exerted by measuring the swing, calculate the force of Earth gravity, which lessens as you get away from the Earth, thus determining the height of the building. You can climb down the fire escape, using the barome
DavidHog, 19.01.2025
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Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Bpts Minority Report Introduces Dash to Love, Finally Delivers a Decent Episode
an irreverent, young mobile app named Yo left this world behind for the great, polysyllabic beyond. It was four months old. Giving in to dark temptation, Yo has updated to include function and multiple uses. With the last, pure Yo only existing in the fathomless blackness of our memories. It is survived by a beloved army of clones: YoFrom, Tap, YOLO, aiYO, and Arnold鈥攊n addition to the shell of its former self. Farewell, young Yo. This world knew not what it had. Art by Andrew Liszewski, image via Shutterstock iPhoneSmartphones Daily Newsletter You May Also Like ReviewsSmartphones stanley cup romania O stanley cup ppo Find 8X Pro Review: A Great iPhone for Android Lovers The Oppo Find 8X Pro is an unexpected beast of an Android flagship smartphone that incorporate stanley cup usa s some features we love from the iPhone. By Sherri L Smith Published January 4, 2025 Syny This Week on Outlander: Interview with a Sadist
I know this description sounds like one of a hundred indie comics, but Thompsons strength lies not in the mythology of The Girl Who Would Be King, but in creating two amazing characters that feel incredibly real and relatable even as theyre punching people through buildings or picking bullets out of their shoulders. Thompson has a gift for interior dialogue that most best-selling authors would envy, and its this that makes these characters so three-dimensional, so relatable, and so great. And when I say the characters are great, I meant that heroine Bonnie is great, and her nemesis Lola is, without hyperbole, one of the most fantastic antagonists Ive ever had the pleasure to read. Oh, shes evil, certainly, but shes so fun, flawed and brutally honest with herself a stanley quencher nd the readers stanley espana that its impossible not to root for her in some way. Her journey to figure out how a 16-year-old girl with superpowers can somehow translate them into creating an actual criminal empire is genuinely riveting, hilarious, and even heartbreaking. Honestly, I was a bit wary of reviewing this book, because I was worried that as a guy I might not be the intended audience, that there would be some feminine level I wouldnt be able to see. And maybe thats t stanley cups rue, but even if so, I can assure you that I could still barely put the book down. Gentlemen, it does not have cooties. What The Girl Who Would Be King has is a great superhero story starring two wonderful, believable, charismatic characters that will stay wi
Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Axqt Return of the Jedi s Anniversary Anthology Collection Will Tell Tales of Wicket, Sarlaccs, Palpatine, and More
beyond its flashy premieres. Weve already picked out the must-see and deep-cut fantasy and sci-fi; now, weve got eight horror suggestions for your next spooky movie night. 1 Scanners Yes, yes, were all well aware of Scanners glorious contribution to the advancement of exploding-head special effects watch the trailer above , but David Cronenbergs 1981 chiller is disturbing on many levels even beyond that. It imagines a world where certain people born with telepathic and psychokinetic powers are targ stanley cup eted by both a sinister military contractor whose p stanley cup rogram is led by a doctor played by The Prisoners Patrick McGoohan and a rebel group of scanners who follow a violent leade stanley cup r Michael Ironside . When a powerful but untrained new recruit Stephen Lack steps into the middle of this psychic war, he discovers multiple conspiracies afoot鈥攁s well as the troubling truth about his own past and the origins of his gift. Scanners is uniquely weird and totally thrilling, and just remember, rewinding-rewatching that head-go-boom scene is well within any gorehounds bill of rights. https://gizmodo/the-most-iconic-sci-fi-and-fantasy-films-streaming-on-h-1846230881 2 Carnival of Souls After she survives a devastating car accident, a young organ player Candace Hilligoss picks up and moves from Kansas to Utah, but she cant quite shake her tragic past鈥攐r the feeling that shes either being haunted or going insane or both . Director Herk Harveys 1962 cult classic proves that you do Oxje Report: Peter Thiel Is Funding a Totally Shady Offshore Herpes Vaccine Trial
News of the shipment, first reported by the Nevada Independent, was revealed on Wednesday, but the details remain sketchy. National Nuclear Security Administrations NNSA general counsel, Bruce Diamond, disclosed the shipment in court yesterday. But he said only that the cross-country trek happened sometime before November of 2018. Diamond insisted that he couldnt be more specific due to national security concerns. The timing is significant for the state of Nevada because November is when the state filed suit to stop the transfer of the plutonium. The suit was originally planned for October, but the state believed that it could negotiate with the Trump regime to find a solution that worked for both sides. The suit was only filed after it became apparent to Nevada that the Department of Energy was not going to play ball. The plutonium is currently sitting at a site roughly 70 miles north of Las Vegas, according to the Reno Gazette Journal. I am beyond outraged by this completely unacceptable deception from the U.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Governor Ste stanley cup ve Sisolak said stanley cup in a statement. The Department led the State of Nevada to believe that they were engaging in good-faith negotiations with us regardin stanley cup g a potential shipment of weapons-grade plutonium, only to reveal that those negotiations were a sham all along, he continued. They lied to the State of Nevada, misled a federal court, and jeopardized the safety of Nevadas families and environment. Sisolak further vowe
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Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Xauy Zeus vs. Thor in this epic rap Lego stop-motion
Pictured Above: Love. A couple of biologists decided to test that theory. They attached heart rate monitors and breathing monitors to rabbits. They measured the rabbit blood pressure and stress hormone levels. Then they put these entranced rabbits on their backs, and monitored what happened. Their heart rate, respiration, hormones, and blood pressure went way up during just 15 minutes of so-called trance. While it looked like calm relaxation from the outside, from the inside it was a stress response. There are some variables to tonic immobility. Not all rabbits are prone to it, so it understandable that pet owners would think that rabbits who do have the immobility response stanley cup canada are staying put voluntarily. And it not stanley cup website entirely useless. The researchers agreed that tonic immobility, when it can be induced, would be excellent for some procedures like claw clipping or other grooming, that might otherwise require a sedative or a struggle. Still, the rabbit doesn ;t actually enjoy any of this. It just frozen up. Top Image: Caroline E, Second Image:Popovkin, Wiki Commons Trancing Rabbits: Relaxed Hypnosis or State of Fear ] AnimalspetsRabbitsScience stanley quencher Daily Newsletter Uipy How Quantum Theory Screws With Our Perception of Reality
Back in season five, the Daleks concocted an elaborate scheme to get the Doctor validation. Literally. They needed the Doctor to recognize them as the Daleks so that some Dalek replicator would activate, so they pretended to be World War II fighting robots and went around serving tea. All just so the Doctor would shout You are the Daleks into their microphone. This time around, the Daleks have concocted another elaborate scheme to capture the Doctor, so they can send him on a mission on their behalf. Save the Daleks, Save the Daleks, they clamor in, a totally abject display of neediness. The Daleks have a planet called the Asylum, where they ;ve dumped all the Daleks who are too insane or freaky, and now a human starliner stanley cup has crashed there. The Daleks are concerned that if humans can get in, then all the crazy Daleks can get out, so they just want to nuke the planet and have done with it. Unfortunately, there a forcefield around the planet that can only be turned off from the surface, and the forcefield will let in starliners and telep stanley deutschland ort beams, but not any weapons of stanley quencher mass destruction. You couldn ;t just teleport down a big bomb, because plotty wotty. The Daleks are too scared to meet their own insane relatives, so they send the Doctor and his two most recent companions, instead. Side note: It pretty clever of the Daleks to figure out that Amy and Rory are the exact right companions to send along w
JoshuaLic, 19.01.2025
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Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
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Simon Pegg and Nick Frost Shaun of the Dead , hits Amazon tomorrow. It would be a welcome arrival any time of year, but since its all about the paranormal and the humans whore obsessed with it , its the perfect binge for Halloween. Though Truth Seekers runs just eight episodes, and each runs under 30 minutes, it still manages to deliver a multi-layered storyline and some endearingly original characters. Leading the way is Frost stanley shop as Gus Roberts; by day, hes a top technician for Smyle, a broadband company thats determined to spread its service into every nook and cranny across England. By night and also by day, whenever he sees the opportunity , Gus is the Truth Seeker, a ghost hunter who documents his exploits on his belove stanley water jug d鈥攂ut low-traffic鈥擸ouTube channel. https://gizmodo/nick-frost-and-simon-peggs-ghost-hunting-comedy-has-dro-1844483069 Gus lost his wife, Emily, a decade prior, and his interest in the afterlife is partially because she was so into spooky stuff鈥攂ut also because he holds out hope of contacting her on the other side of the veil. Gus definitely has some melancholy in him, but considering hes played by the effortlessly funny Frost, it doesnt weigh him down too much. Pegg plays Dave, Gus jovial boss at Smyle, but its more of a supporting role鈥攕o to be clear, Truth Seekers isnt another Pegg-Frost buddy comedy if thats what you stanley mugg were expecting. However, dont be disappointed; theres still plenty of Pegg, and the rest of the ensemble is a delight. Gus is initi Qdsc How the American Oil and Gas Industry Funds the Fulbright Program
The latest edition of The Hollywood Reporters Heat Vision newsletter explains that back in 2010, Fox hired Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz who co-wrote X-Men: First Class to write a script and were potentially looking at Jason Bournes Paul Greengrass to direct. Heres the description of what the film wouldve entailed: Johnny Storm nova while trying to apprehend the villain Molecule Man. Johnny blows a hole in Manhattan and sparks the superhero registration act in response to the c stanley cup becher arnage. The heroes are split on opposing sides, an stanley cup usa d among the key matchups was a Wolverine vs. Mr. Fantastic battle that ended with Reed Richards pinning Wolverine down, extending his hands until theyre one molecule wide, and using them as scissors to cut the mutants arms off. Eventuall stanley ca y, the heroes make peace 鈥?leading to a post-credits scene that teases whats next: A Skrull invasion. So, basically, its a story heavily influenced by the Marvel Comics version of Civil War, which Marvel Studios itself adapted in Captain America: Civil War. The THR newsletter also mentions Warren Ellis wrote yet another version of a film that wouldve set the X-Men against the Fantastic Four. So, what happened Well, as this was in development X-Men: First Class came out and was a hit. The studio decided instead of pursuing a crossover project, it would just make a sequel to that movie. Thats how X-Men: Days of Future Past came to be. Future Past was also a hit, and that was that. Its easy to look back
HollyWen, 19.01.2025
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Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Dcsn The Navy once tried using nuclear-powered wetsuits聽to keep divers warm
a few months ago when a CGC-graded copy of it popped up on eBay. The comic had been rated a 9.0 on CGC scale, indicating it as near-mint quality incredible for a 76 year old comic book, and the rarest of the already extremely rare comic less than 100 originals are thought to still exist, barely any of that number in as good quality . the-most-valuable-comic-book-of-all-time-is-up-for-auct-1622792917 The book eventually sold for $3,207,852, officially making it the most expensive comic ever and now you can read a digital scan of that very issue, provided by the CGC from when they graded it and now released online. Sure, the story within the pages might be a familiar one to us, but it still fascinating to leaf stanley mug through the comic and see the condition it in stanley cup uk no obvious damage, not even the pages have been stained over 7 and a half decades of existence. It almost like you have to carefully click through the scans out of the fear that you ;d somehow tarnish it god, I bet whoever had to do these were bricking it, $3.2 million dollars worth of comic book in your grasp! . There more to Action Comics than just Superman though there plenty of other stories in stanley cup the issue, from the d茅but of master magician Giovanni Zatara you might be more familiar with his daughter, Zatanna to stories from lesser known classics like Scoop Scanlon, Five Star Reporter ; and cowboy Chuck Dawson Apga Use a Bare Convex Lens Element to Give Your Photos Some Flare
about the flu vaccine than any other vaccine out there. Perhaps its because its a once-a-year vaccine, so stanley quencher that cyclical nature brings out new myths each year. Or maybe its because its for an illness that many people have had, even more than once, and survived, so they mistakenly assume a vaccine is unnecessary. Whatever the reasons, Ive decided a comprehensive post addressing every myth Ive been able to find is long overdue. I plan to update this post as necessary, and Ill likely republish it each year as a reference. To make it easier to navigate, Ive listed all 25 myths here at the top with links to that myths debunking explanation. First, an important note: I am a science journalist but not a medical doctor. Ive compiled research here to debunk common myths about the flu vaccine. You should always consult a reliable, trusted medical professional with questions that pertain specifically to you. For the CDC recommendations on the 2013-2014 flu vaccines including information on which vaccines pregnant women, the elderly and children under 2 should *not* get , please consult the CDC site directly. Myth 1: gourde stanley The flu vaccine gives you the flu or makes you sick. No, it doesnt. This is by far the most common myth I hear 鈥?even though its scientifically impossible from the inactivated stanley butelka vaccine. Are there people who become sick right after having gotten the flu shot Of course, and its an illness they had likely caught before the shot and it took a a few days for symptoms to appea
Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Kned Rapping FinanceTok Influencer and Husband Accused of Conspiracy to Launder $4.5 Billion in Crypto
in the middle of the night: a cool idea would be to set up a website to match Ukrainian refugees to hosts in neighboring countries. Half an hour later: this is being created rn, I hope to have it done within 24 hours. The next night: 90% finished in 24 hours, goal is to release tomorrow as early as possible. Schiffmann was at work making that website with the help of 18-year-old Marco Burstein, a fellow Harvard student. They launched UkraineTakeShelter on March 2. What weve done is stanley mug put out a super fast, stripped-down version of Airbnb, Schiffmann told the Washington Post on March 10, at which time he said there were more than 4,000 hosts on the site. As of Saturday, Schiffman told Gizmodo that UkraineTakeShelter had more than 60,000 listings and claims it has secured housing for more than 3,000 refugees, although those numbers are difficult to verify. Schiffmann would go on to learn that his comments in UkraineTakeShelters early days were shockingly naive, but not before he ignored the advice of at least one expert on the ground helping the same people he claimed to be. The teen told Gizmodo that the past f stanley water bottle ew weeks, and especially the past few days, have been very stressful for him. Schiffmann is still in the process of fixing bugs on the site, adding missing information, and creat stanley becher ing a more detailed resources page. He said he is obviously not trying to develop a platform for human trafficking. Burstein declined to comment for this story. I just want to convey Ircj How to Train Your Dragon Remake Adds Series Alum Gerard Butler
For those who are unfamiliar with The Winkers Song Misprint , embedded below its kind of like the 70s British version of the Bloodhound Gangs The Bad Touch 聽but its at least a little bit funny. It was recorded by an English comedian going by the name Ivor Biggun and it enjoyed a bri stanley cup ef bit of notoriety. The singer crows, Im a wanker 36 times over the course of the songs duration. Which means that phrase鈥攚hich is more offensive to Brits than Yanks鈥攚as repeated on Mansley 103.2 at least 288 times. Though The Independent reports the song is usually proceeded by a man cackling and saying, Im a wanker, Im a wanker. According to The Guardian, Britains office of communications Ofcom believes whoever keeps taking over the stations airwaves may be using a small transmitter that is engaged near the stations outside signal. Tony Delahunty, managing director of Mansfield 103.2, told BBC Radio 4s Today program: Some people have told me that their children have started humming the song in the car 8230; This is a clown but it exposes a situation that is available for, wh stanley mug o knows a terrorist, that type of person, some idiot who wants to put emergency messages on. It could become an awful lot worse. The big problem is you cant catch them. In the US, a similar situation occurred back in February. In that case, multiple radio station stanley flask s were being commandeered to play YGs Fuck Donald Trump. But authorities believed the party responsible for that hijacking was using traditional ha
Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Tcar Dinosaurs Chomping on Play-Doh People Sounds Like a Really Great Game
X-Men Speaking with Sci Fi Now, Bryan Singer spoke defensively his own word about the comparisons between the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Fox Marvel properties: It not healthy for us. I ;ll tell you why: they ;re both comic-books and at some point you can expand the universes, that wh stanley thermos ere the comparison ends. The Marvel universes 鈥?particularly Avengers and Iron Man 鈥?are鈥?stanley cup and it sounds defensive, and it is defensive, but only because people make comparisons between Men: Days Of Future Past] and The Avengers, which is ludicrous. The Avengers is a mash-up of massive single character franchises of incredibly familiar characters and Iron Man. And did I mention Iron Man Oh, and by the way 鈥?Iron Man. They are huge, colossal franchises that are peppered with all these other characters that are, again, extremely famous and so yes, Fox will at some point synergise X-Men] characters and that process is slowly beginning, but it very different than taking movies that gross close to a billion dollars and then pushing them together into these giant broad movies 8230;. It very different universes. The appeal is different and to try a bidon stanley nd do the same thing鈥?this in an inbetweequel ;, OK, of two ensemble films, Avengers and the Marvel movies are individual franchises based on major characters that why there are some Marvel characters in Avengers that don ;t have their own movie, because I d Empf A Question Of Hype: 2015 Kawasaki H2 vs 2014 ZX-10R
TVs, Home theater etc. Wait until when Mid Year 2012 Why The 2012 TV stanley trinkflaschen lineups should all be reviewed by mid year. Wait until May if you can to see what Samsung Plasmas are like. For now, the Panasonic ST50 is better than last year bests, at the price of last year middle ground. The same kind of goes f stanley cup quencher or blu-ray players and receivers, which haven ;t been reviewed yet in 2012. The iPhone Why The new one only a few mon stanley cups uk ths away! If you think about it, the current model is only a variant on a design that is nearly 2 years old at this point. What another 5-6 months Laptops Wait until when Windows 8 Fall 2012 and Ivy Bridge Late Spring 2012 Why Intel new chipset, Ivy Bridge, is going to be more efficient, faster and have better onboard graphics capabilities. Here is everything you need to know about this, and then some. Those laptops should hit sometime in the next month or two, I hear, but don ;t know for sure. You simply must wait for this significant jump in technology鈥揈specially if you are a Mac User. Also, it would be weird to buy a laptop now with USB 2.0 and not USB 3.0. It doesn ;t matter but it matters when you ;re trying to transfer HD and multi megapixel files. There always the very fast thunderbolt interface, but there aren ;t many drives like that now. Here one we like, but in the future, you ;ll have more choices, and the drives will be better. Also important, after Ivy Bridg
Methrengrory, 19.01.2025
Loww Puerto Rico Has a Once In a Lifetime Opportunity to Rethink How It Gets Electricity
Starting today, Pixel users are getting a breadth of new features. The software update includes abilities weve been waiting for, like virtual vaccination cards and access to Googles new Real Tone Filters. But perhaps the most exciting part of this latest software update is that its also introducing a new app that lets you tap into some Teenage Engineering-style remixing. Lets start with whats fun: Google collaborated with Teenage Engineering to bring Pocket Operator to Pixel users. The Android app lets you shoot video content and then turn it into fun music and video cut-ups, says Google. Youll be able to layer sounds, create patterns, and add visual effects on top of your video. The app is available in the Play Store, and its the most exclusive part of this Pixel upd stanley cup ate. Its only available for Pixel 5 and newer devices. A quick look at the stanley tumbler interface for the new Teenage Engineering app for Pixel devices. Gif: Google For everyone else with a Pixel 4 and above, youll finally get access to a virtual vaccine c stanley thermos mug ard. Its easy to get registered, and you dont need an active Google Pay app to use it. However, the feature is available only in select regions, including the U.S., Canada, and Australia. And like a wireless transit payment card, you can only store it on one device at a time. One of the biggest annoyances of having a Nest Doorbell is that its not easy to access the feed when theres someone at the door! Especially if you dont have a Google Assistant-led smart display to Ojna The Shutdown Is Making the U.S. Less Prepared for Hurricane Season
Just revealed by Lego, Stranger Things will come to brick-based nirvana next month with this 2,287-piece set, naturally titled The Upside Down. The ginormous set, including eight minifigures in total, doesnt just recreate the Byers household, but its sinister mirrored version in the realm of the Upside Down. The house itself actually floats in the center of the set, suspended in the air by the giant trees flanking both the Upside Down and normal versions, which are sturdy enough that you can actually flip the entire set around to display either version right side up. And, of course tha stanley bottle nks to Lego studs being everywhere, you can make it look even trippier by posing Hoppers car or the minifigures as if they were walking around upside down. Even beyond that, the house has way more going on鈥攂oth the Upside Down and real-world versions are bui stanley botella lt out to feature several rooms recreating moments from the series. This includes the famous wall of string lights used to com stanley us municate with the Upside Down鈥攚hich actually lights up, thanks to a cleverly-placed lightup brick!鈥攐r Wills bedroom, clad in movie posters and even a place to hold his Will the Wise wizarding hat . Its packed with little nods to the first two seasons of the show, and tons of little accessories, from a bear trap to snare the sinister Demogorgon with, to Joyces phone, to even a piece replicating Wills sketch of the Mind Flayer from season two. No expense was spared for the minifigures either, each of which comes w
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