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Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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ISLAMABAD:The Supreme Court of Pakistan has ruled that in an adversarial system, the role of a judge is that of a 'neutral umpire' who is supposed to arrive at a verdict on basis o air max97 f available evidence and who does not enter the arena . In an adversarial system, the role of the judge is that of a neutral umpire, unruffled by emotions, a judge is to ensure fair trial between the pro airmax plus secution and the defen newbalance 530 ce on the basis of the evidence before , said an SC judgment, authored by Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah.The verdict set aside an order of the Lahore High Court (LHC) which had directed authorities to obtain fresh samples of an alleged intoxicating substance in a narcotics case and to prepare a fresh report of the chemical examiner.The SC order sought to answer whether a high court could assume role of a prosecutor and fill the lacunas left by the parties during a trial and said the judge should not enter the arena so as to appear that he is taking sides. The court cannot allow one Niln K-P cabinet reshuffle likely next week
BEIRUT:The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday that militant group Failaq al-Sham has started withdrawing its f nike force 1 orces and heavy arms from a demilitarised zone in northwest Syria.The group is the first to comply with a requirement to leave a demilitarised buffer zone adidas original campus set up by Turkey and Russia to avert a Russian-backed Syrian army offensive, Rami Abdulrahman, headof the UK-based war monitor told Reuters.聽Militant sources could not immediately be reached for comment.Russia vows no safe passage for Syria militants in IdlibRussia on Friday warned it will not allow militants in Syria to be sent to Afghanistan or elsewhere under a deal reached with Turkey that averted a large-scale military assault on militant-held Idlib province.Syrian opposition think militants will quit Idlib buffer zoneUnder the deal, Turkey agreed to separate opposition fighters from hardline militants who belong to groups branded as terrorists by the United Nations, but the fate of those extremist stan smith femmes s remai
Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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ISLAMABAD:The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) could increase the number of sales tax return filers by only 8% in first six months of the current fiscal year, thanks to 38% increase in the category of filers that did not pay any tax, indi adidas spezial cating that the government s reforms initiative was not bearing fruit.Only 29.5% of the total sales tax return filers paid t jordan dunk axes while the remaining 70% filed returns either in the null or nil categories.The new initiatives looked insufficient to persuade people to file tax returns amid arm twisting by the FBR that created unnecessary controversy due to the raid on a supermarket.As at the end of December 2019, nearly 158,206 entities submitted sales tax returns, according to FBR s statistics. There was an increase of 7.7% or 11,284 returns as compared to the June 2019 figure, statistics showed.However, a deeper look at the numbers showed that nike force the increase was mainly because of 38.4% surge in the filing of returns in the category of null filers - the Aoze Pakistan s textile sector jumps to full capacity production
ISLAMABAD:Medical experts have warned parents to check their af1 s children s heads and hair for the lice and their nits or eggs on a regular basis during the upcoming winter season and start treatment as soo nike jordan n as possible. Paediatrician Dr Mohsin Hasan says parents should pay attention to their child if they see them scratching behind their ears or the back of their necks as kids are suffering from severe head lice infestations because parents refuse to treat them. He said head lice are tiny insects that lay their eggs on hairs next to the scalp. They are very common among school age children. Lice quickly multiply and can cause itching and inflammation of the scalp, sa air max95 id, adding, in severe cases, infections can be caused when children scratch their head with dirty fingernails or if faecal matter from the lice gets into a scratch.聽聽Published in The Express Tribune, September 21st, 2018.
Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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Participants of Naval Staff College including student officers from friendly countries visited the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR). Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor, DG IS air max bw PR interacted wit jordan schuhe h the delegation on role of media in 5th generation warfare, the military's media wing said on Friday.The DG highlighted the hybrid threat, its implications and response through lens of information operations.Maj Gen Ghafoor, the ISPR added, appreciated the role of Pakistani media as part of comprehensive national respon adidas originals se to the challenges being confronted by Pakistan.Taking home first-hand reality about peaceful Pakistan, US students tell COASIn April, a聽group of students from Cornell University of the United States met Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa during their visit to Pakistan.General Qamar, while speaking to the students, shared his thoughts about Pakistan and its ongoing journey to enduring peace. He said that the youth had an important role to play in every field as they wer Aeoe John Lennon s son labels Prince Harry a buffoon in Twitter rant
The officials of World Health Organisation have womens airmax warned that more young people are becoming critically ill a nike air plus nd dying from the coronavirus that has now spread to almost every country across the world.It is a mistake to believe that the virus only severely impacts older people and those with underlying conditions, claims officials.Talking about the increasing number of young people getting infected and dying of the pandemic, head of WHO's emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove sa airforce 1 women id: We are seeing more and more younger individuals who are experiencing severe disease, we have seen some data from several countries across Europe where people of younger age have died. Some of those individuals have had underlying conditions, but some have not. She was addressing a news briefing from the organisation s Geneva headquarters.Much remains unknown about the virus, including why the disease develops into a severe illness in some individuals but not others, Van Kerhove said. She a
Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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LAHORE:A day of high drama and prolonged wait was witnessed at the Lahore High Court (LHC) on Monday, as PTI Chairman and former premier Imran Khan finally secured relief when he appeared before the court in two separate cases along with thousands of supporters, after being given a ldquo last chance rdquo for an in-person appearance.A div new air max ision bench of the LHC headed by Justice Ali Baqar Najafi granted protective bail to the PTI chief in a case re nike air force hombre gistered under terrorism charges.Meanwhile, a single bench led by Justice Tariq Saleem Sheikh disposed of an black af1s other protective bail plea in a separate case pertaining to protests outside the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) after the former ruling party withdrew it.Read More Ally fears another attack on Imranowever, the PTI chief tendered an apology to the LHC, regretting that the court rsquo s ldquo precious time rdquo had been wasted because of delay in reaching the court. He then clarified that neither he had filed any petition nor s Kaak Development process not stalled minister
KARACHI:A adidas spezial verdi man was shot and injured by suspected robbers during a street air force one crime in Baldia Town on Saturday. Th adidas originals hamburg e victim, 27-year-old Muhammad Ramzan, was rushed to Civil Hospital for medical assistance. Police said that the incident was a result of offering resistance to a street crime. The condition of the victim is said to be critical, said the police.Published in The Express Tribune, April 7th, 2024.
Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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Since its inception, Pakistan has been ravelled in misfortunes that find their roots in the pillars a country is bolstered by, of which education is the most imperative one. Amidst a plethora of offshoots poor educational adidas samba womens services have produced, the most pertinent today is the dual-educational systems we have at pre-college levels.Few years ago, Pakistan welcomed the British educational system of GCE by Cambridge/ International General Certificate womens dunks of Secondary jordans Education and Edexcel Board that is followed by the Cambridge Alevel/International Baccalaureate, inter alia, other such foreign frameworks. Matriculation and Intermediate system continues alongside with matters not being as convenient as the smooth theory suggests.A multi-route foreign educational system has given birth to long-term implications. There was a time such systems were immensely revered for their well-researched structure and wider exposure, incomparable to our national system. A vivid distinction can be found betwee Kiop Margaret Atwood to release Handmaid s Tale sequel
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Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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KARACHI:Renowned broadcaster, columnist and literati, Raza Ali Abidi, said that whoever is writing children s literature must possess angelic attributes because the ones reading their books are angels.This he said on the third day of the 11th International Urdu Conference in the dunks sneakers session Children s Literature . Saleem Mughal, Ibn-e-Aas, Farzana Roohi Aslam and Ameena Saiyid also spoke in the session, which was moderated by Rizwan Zaidi.11th Urdu Conference opens at Arts CouncilAbidi said, I have written 19 books for adults while for children I have written 20 books, and that is something I am quite proud of. I feel happy when I write for children as it is the kind of happiness that refreshes the soul. He added that the language of children was untouched and pure, and when he writes children s literature, he gets the feeling of prayers . He further said that the writer of children s books should be one who sits in adidas forum bold the mother s scented lap, reads the thoughts of a child and writes airjordan abo Eptr Wimbledon queen Serena to be supported by Duchess
KARACHI:To support the employment of workers in the face of economic challenges posed by Covid-19, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has introduced a temporary refinance scheme for businesses to discourage them from laying off workers in the wake air max90 of the pandemic.According to a notification issued by the SBP on Friday, the scheme, titled Refinance Scheme for Payment of Wages and Salaries to the Workers and Employees of Business Concerns, will be available to all businesses in Pakistan through comme air max sale rcial banks. It will cover all types of employees including permanent, contractual, daily wagers as well as outsourced workers, the notification said.The scheme will provid adidas retro e financing for wages and salaries expense, for three months from April to June 2020, for those businesses which do not lay off their employees in these three months.Govt needs to protect jobs: IHC CJThe notification added that although the mark-up on loans under the scheme is up to 5%, active taxpayers will be able to rece
Methrengrory, 17.06.2024
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ISLAMABAD:The national tally of active Covid-19 cases was rose slightly to 22,852, as 567 more peop jordans le tested positive for the deadly virus while 445 people recovered from the disease during the last 24 hours, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) said on Sa nike airforce turday.The NCOC which serves as the nerve centre of the government rsquo s anti-pandemic strategy, said in its daily update of the disease that national Covid positivity ratio, which remained air max 3 less than 1.5% for the past few weeks, also rose to 1.2% during the past 24 hours.The forum said that 11 patients, three of them on ventilators, died during the last 24 hours, raising the nationwide death toll to 28,518. It added that most of the deaths, 4, occurred in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) followed by 3 in Punjab.Since the pandemic outbreak in the country in February 2020, the national caseload of the disease had risen to 1,276,240. Among them 1,224,870 people had recovered from the infectious disease, depicting a more than 90% re Ztyq Qeemat Punjab app gains momentum
Alia Bhatt聽has called working with her actor boyfriend聽Ranbir Kapoor聽on Ayan Mukerji s聽Brahmastra a magical experience. The Bollywood beauty said she admires his work ethic a lot. I have always loved Ranbir as jordan low an actor. He s just so fabulous on screen orange dunks ! He s powerful, yet so honest and complete. I m feeling that even while we work together. He really inspires me to be a better version of myself at work as his work ethic is commendable and I m still learning from him, Hindustan Times quoted Bhatt a af1 custom s saying. PHOTO: FILE
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ISLAMABAD:The National Assembly Standing Committee on Poverty Alleviation grilled the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) officials on Monday, saying that a number of flood victims were still deprived of th af1 supreme e assistance announced by the government through their institution.The committee chairperson Saira Bano told the BISP secretary that she had videos of so many people, who complained that the flood aid had not reached them. She summoned the officials of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) for further briefing on the matter.BISP secretary briefed the committee members about the assistance distribu nike air j tion. The committee was informed that more than 2.8 million families in the flood affected areas had been given cash assistance.The secretary further said that the NDMA had completed the survey of the affected areas. To a query, the secretary said that previously door-to-door survey was carried jordan schuh out but now the practice had been changed to house-to-house survey.Read lsquo Mutu
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