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KAR airmaxplus ACHI:Pakistan's Rabia Shahzad gets her second medal over the weekend as the youngster finished with a gold medal at the Hampshire Weightlifting Championship based on Sinclair Total.She got the gold out of nine competitors in her group with 144.8 points. Sinclair total in based on Sinclair Coefficient that is the actual total multiplied by Sinclair Coefficient giving the Sinclair Total.The method is defined by the Interna dunks mens tional Weightlifting Federation as, What would be the total of an athlete weighing x kg if he/she were an athlete in the heaviest class of the same level of ability It is given by the formula: ACTUAL TOTAL x SINCLAIR COEFFICIENT = SINCLAIR TOTAL. Rabia had earlier gotten a silver medal at the Welsh Open in the 49kg event adidas adidas originals . She has dropped her weight from 55kg category to 49kg now.At Hampshire Championships she lifted 40kg in snatch and 52kg in clean and jerk. This competition there weren't just weight categories, but our positions were determined on the Sinclair Tot Otwh Taliban pile pressure on Afghan government forces in west
ITALY:When the World Cup is held aloft in July, it won't be an Italian lifting the trophy. The eliminated Azzurri will not brighten the tournament, but Italians will still make the cup shine.The four-time winners' humiliating exit in November's playoff defeat to Sweden cast a pall over on airmax e of the world's proudest football nations.Italy are not going to the World Cup, but the World Cup will come to Italy.Every four years, in an anonymous building in an industrial air force one town near Milan, amid the clouds of metal dust and sound of presses and hammers, an Italian company gets its hands on the World Cup trophy itself 鈥?and gives it a makeover.GDE Bertoni, a small business with 12 employees based in the Milanese suburb of Paderno Dugnano, designed and created the current cup in 1971 after Brazil kept the Jules Rimet trophy after they won the World Cup for the third time, and every four ye stan smith bebe ars it returned home for a spruce up. Without Italy, it just doesn't feel like a World Cup : Dino Zoff It's alwa
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Methrengrory, 06.07.2024
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SYDNEY:A deaf and partially blind dog that kept a lost three-year-old girl safe in Australian bushland overnight was awarded police honours Saturday after leading rescuers to the child.Emergency services began a search on foot and from the air for Aurora Friday after the y adidas original campus oung girl wandered off i stan smith zalando nto bushland on a rural property in Queensl blue sambas and state.Seventeen-year-old blue heeler Max stayed with the child through a rainy night before leading family and rescuers to her Saturday morning after more than 15 hours in the wild. Leisa (the child's grandmother) heard Aurora's voice, found Max first, and then Max led her to Aurora, Leisa's partner Kelly Benston said, adding the dog was partially blind and deaf.Police were quick to make the hero pooch one of their own.Man arrested in Karachi for selling stray dogs painted to look like expensive breeds SUCH A GOOD BOY, MAX!, Queensland Police posted on Facebook. For keeping her safe until she was found, you're now an honorary police dog!, police Vmyn Finance minister stresses empowerment of women
ISLAMABAD:The government is allocating top priority to provide energy to every corner of the country for robust economic growth and in this regard the new renewable energy policy 2019 will be announced next month, disclosed Minister for Power Oma adidas forum bold r Ayub Khan.Addressing students at the International Conference on Sustainable Energy in Pakistan on Tuesday, the minister declared that open and competitive electricity market was being envisaged for the first time in Pakistan.He was of the view that such a market would encourage regional electricity trade besides offering countless investment opportunities to entrepreneurs. Pakistan s energy market has opportunities worth over $60 billion in transmission and distribution lines with generation side alone possessing $40 billion adidas spezial handball potential, he said. Khan revealed that Saudi Arabia would invest $14 billion in the energy sec nike jordan tor in the next few years.Saudi Arabia keen to invest in renewable energy in PakistanUnderlining that tremendous innovatio
Methrengrory, 06.07.2024
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KARACHI:The novel coronavirus continues to wreak havoc across the world with many countries including developed nations facing acute shortage of medical equipment while COVID-19 patients are dying due to聽the lack of ventilators.During these difficult times, a private engineering adida ssamba firm in Pakistan h new balance 373 as found an out-of-the-box solution, which would allow multiple patients to use just one ventilator simultaneously.Alpha Rub nikeair ber and Plastic Works, a Lahore-based company which manufactures auto parts, has developed a splitter which connects to the ventilator hoses and supplies oxygen to two to four patients at once and may be used multiple times.Osama Usman, head of the private firm, told The Express Tribune that 'Plan 9' of Punjab IT Board of (PITB) had approached them to manufacture the connector using the 3D printer prototype.He said the part was initially being manufactured by the PITB using the 3D printer technology which is a time-taking and costly procedure.Pakistani volunteers 3D-print Tuwl Zainab s murderer should be hanged publicly Shehbaz Sharif
ISLAMABAD:The Ministry of Industries and Production and its attached organisation, the Engineering Development Board (EDB), were alleged to have minted billions of rupees from the auto sector and compromising quality standards of locally assembled cars.The accusations were made in a meeting of the National Assembly Standing Comm air max 1 ittee on Industries and Production, presided over by Sajid Hussain Turi on Monday.Ministry of Industries and Production Additional Secretary Captain (Retired) Sher Alam Mahsud refuted the corruption charges, saying I have heard about briefcases but never saw them with own eyes. I do not think anybody is engaged in corruption. On the occasion, Adviser to Prime Minister on Industries and Production Abdul Razak Dawood and Industries Secretary Afzal Latif were not present in the meeting Chief executive officer nike af of the EDB said the main role of the EDB was to encourage investment in the auto sector under the Auto adidas spezial handball Industry Development Programme (AIDP) 2016-21. As far
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