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Assanges lawyer read a letter to the court that claimed the WikiLeaks publisher found himself struggling with terrifying circumstances in 2012 and apologized to those who consider Ive disrespected them. Its unclear why Assange didnt read the letter himself. I did what I thought at the time was the best or perhaps the only thing that I could have done, the letter read, according to the BBC. Supporters of Assange reportedly shouted shame on you at the judge while she left the court room. Assange was accused of sexual assault related crimes in Sweden back in 2010, leading to his arrest in London in 2012. The Swedish charges were dropped while Assange had asylum in Ecuadors embassy in London but those charges may be brought again. Assange was physically dragged out of the embassy on April 11 after claiming asylum and livin stanley flask g there for nearl stanley becher y 7 years. Assanges largest concern when he fled to the embassy was that he would be extradited to the United States, something thats still a very real possibility. The U.S. Justice Department has charged Assange with conspiracy to hack a classified computer. Assange allegedly instru stanley cup cted Chelsea Manning, a former Army private, to crack the password of a Defense Department computer that American prosecutors say was connected to the governments classified documents, the Secret Internet Protocol Network SIPRNet . The password crack attempt reportedly failed, but Manning still leaked documents to Assange from other sources. Assange face
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The ge stanley cup netic profiles of hundreds of 颅thousands of innocent people are to be kept on the national DNA database for up to 12 years in a decision critics claim is designed to sidestep a European human rights ruling that the blanket retention of suspects data is unlawful.The proposed new rules for the national DNA databaseto be put forward tomorrow by the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, include plans to keep the DNA profiles of innocent people who are arrested but not convicted of minor offences for six years.The proposal would also apply to children from age 10 who are arrested but never successfully prosecuted.In cases of more serious violent and sexual crime, innocent people s genetic codes will be kept for 12 years.It was widely expected that the DNA profiles, samples and fingerprints of 850,000 innocent people kept on the database would be destroyed in response to the ruling by the European court of human rights last December.But the proposals fall short of those expectations and contrast sharply with the situation in Scotland, where only the DNA profiles of suspects arrested for serious violent and sexual offences are retained for a maximum of five years.Human rights groups, and opposition politicians united tonightin expressing dismay that the Home Office had rejected that opti stanley cup on and predicted a race to the stanley fr courts to challenge the new policy. The government just doesn t get this, said the shadow home secretary, Chris Grayling. The Liberal Democrats C
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